Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Before I got this terrible cold, I was working on some string blocks.  I have promised myself to use up some of these scraps this year.  Above are two blocks that I completed.
You know the drill…strips are stitched onto a foundation and then the square is cut to size.
Then I created half square triangles.  I saw a creative way of using these blocks but cannot find the blog where I saw it.  This blog had a tutorial for making the string squares and then showed creative ways for layouts.  You know how it goes…go to one blog, then hop to another, and before long you’ve spent three hours on the computer and have no idea where you started.  Above I have pictured placing a plain fabric (right sides facing) onto the strip block and creating a half square triangle.
What is so nice, when you make a block and then spit it this way, you end up with two blocks.
I thought the blog I was looking for was Scraps and Strings, but could not find the post.
Then I thought maybe it was Happy Quilting, but still could not find the post.
Then I went to Julie K Quilts where I found creative ways to use scraps.  But none of these showed the post that I was looking for with the various layouts for these half square triangles.
So I’m showing you what I’ve come up with.

At any rate, be sure and hunt around on those blogs I told you about because they have great ideas for using your scraps.  These are fun to make, although I do not seem to making much of a dent in that scrap pile.  I don’t know which layout I will use, maybe several, as I think I’m going to have enough half square triangles for several quilts.  That is fine with me  I love making these blocks and plan on donating them to the Quilts For Wheels group at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.

Ah, guess what!  When I was looking around for a link today, I found the blog I was looking for!  Blooming Poppies has a wonderful tutorial for making these string blocks and shows you various lays outs for them.  Check it out.
Also, be sure and check out Sew Many Ways today.  I love this idea she has for us today.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. WOW...this is putting things in a new light, Caroll. LOVE those darks and brights contrasted with the bright white!

  2. I believe you are referring to my friend Karen and her blog, Blooming Poppies, where she featured these blocks a year or so ago, and again more recently.

  3. Caroll, I just saw your note referencing Karen's blog.

  4. I have a PILE of these squares but I am sewing them onto batting to quilt as I go. So far I'm only as far as a pile of squares and you're right, no matter how many I make, the pile of scraps doesn't seem to go down.

  5. I have thought of doing this with my scrap group. Looks like fun!

  6. Very bright, very cheery, very creative!! Love what you have done here! Also, very modern!! Great work, well done! Thank you for sharing and for sharing all the links.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  7. I couldn´t tell you which of your Arrangements I like best, Caroll--I love them all! And we certainly have enough scraps to do each one. :o) Take it easy and feel better soon, + hugs, Bobbi

  8. I couldn´t tell you which arrangement I like best, Caroll--I love them all! Rest well and feel better...we´ve got a ton of strings to use up, more than enough to try out each of these and more. I definitely want to use some of my own this year--keeping in mind also the one-color string quilts you´ve shown us! Thanks for all you do and hugs, Bobbi
