Thursday, May 8, 2014


Do you remember Betty Boop?  I got to see a dear friend today and had a chance to see what she’s been up to.  Which, I find out, has been a lot.  This is the first quilt she showed me.  I love this quilt that Misti made from long-held T-shirts and fabric that it took her a year to find. Note the black and white T-shirts on the sides in the middle...they are the front and back of one T-shirt, as is the block in the upper left and the lower right.  

This block is Misti’s favorite!  She made this adorable quilt for her husband Ken's stepdaughter.  His previous wife had passed away of cancer and this quilt is a gift for her daughter. These T-shirts belonged to her mother and Misti thought this would be a wonderful gift for her.

These are close-ups of the individual blocks!  Aren’t they wonderful!
Above are some of the fabrics that Misti search for over a year to find.  Misti you are a treasure to make this thoughtful gift for your stepdaughter.
Misti hasn’t been quilting for that long, but she is really going to town with it.  Above are some appliqué blocks that she is working on.  She said as she builds out, she will find different flowers to use on the blocks.  I can’t wait to see this quilt.
This is another project Misti is working on (she has become a true quilter with multiple projects going at the same time).  She said these watermelons are from a kit that she purchased some time ago.  Won’t these look great on the deck this summer!
While shopping on the Net, Misti found this wonderful vintage camper fabric.  She had to have it and used it to make lots of pillowcases.
In order to use all that vintage fabric, she changed where she placed it on the pillowcases.  This is a clever way to use all your beloved fabric.
And last but not least, Misti gave me this beautiful seam ripper.  Her husband Ken makes them.  I’m so thrilled and can’t thank them enough for this gorgeous gift.  Quilting friends are the best!

ON ANOTHER NOTEMommy By Day Crafter By Night has a nice tutorial for a little birdie told me messenger bag.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Caroll that Betty Boop quilt is amazing - my best friend loves BB and I'd better not let her see it, lol! That is a wonderful gift. Love all her projects and especially that seam ripper!!!

  2. Fun post! Love the watermelons. And the seam ripper! Do you know if her husband sells them?

  3. I like Betty Boop. I have a friend named Betty, and Betty Boop is her icon. :-) That seam ripper is beautiful. I want Lloyd to start making those!
