Sunday, June 15, 2014


The Happy Scrappers met again last Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above is the quilt that Adrienne is working on.  Love those colors.  She spread it on the floor so we could audition fabrics for the borders.
When Cathy arrived, Adrienne presented her with a Happy Birthday cupcake!   From the look on Cathy’s face, I think she was surprised that Adrienne remembered.  Adrienne brought delicious cup cakes and wonderful cookies for all of us.  Thank you Adrienne!
Cathy brought these luscious Michigan grown strawberries for everyone.  Michigan berries are so sweet! I don't think any of us needed to go buy lunch! Thank you Cathy!
Cathy also showed us this gorgeous quilt.  She said it is her summer quilt and that she made it from 20 fat quarters. I love these soft cool colors.
This is the back of the quilt.  We couldn’t decide which we liked best because the back is as striking as the front.  We decided it is a reversible quilt.
Diana finished her stunning Lone Star Swirl quilt.  Don’t you just love those colors!
When “Happy” started playing on the radio, we all started dancing.  Above, I caught Chris dancing away!
Lee Anne and Rosa joined in the fun, keeping time with their arms!  I love this quilting group.  What fun! 

  • Did you go check out the Row By Row Shop Hop website?  This is a must for anyone traveling this summer.  You won’t want to miss it.   
  • I love the name of this blog…Let’s Eat Grandpa has a tutorial for a quilt as you go North West quilt block.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Great show and tell! Those ladies look like a lot of fun.

  2. Looks like a good time!

    I do love that pink and green! It was the most eyecatching thing in my feed this morning. :)
