Thursday, September 25, 2014


This is day two of our class with Jacquie Gering.  This class was called Scrappy Improvisation.
This is Jacquie's example of what we were going to accomplish during the day.  Can you tell what the background fabric is?  I was surprised to learn that it is Osnaburg Fabric.  I thought it was linen.
Jacquie used a student's blocks to show us how using a large print fabric can look in the blocks.
She used those same blocks to show us how the choice of background fabric can make the blocks blend into the background.
It was not all work.  A special thanks to Donna and Adrienne who brought huge bags of scraps to share with all of us.
Jan got so excited that she rolled in one pile of fabrics.  What a hoot!  She is such a good sport and really has great talent.  I wish I had gotten pictures of what she made with those scraps!
Back to work...Jacquie reviewed the Paneling and Framing methods for building your quilt.
She also showed us various sewing techniques.  Above she uses Adrienne's machine for this technique.
These are Adrienne's blocks on her design wall.  I went around the room and took pictures of other works in progress.

These are all so interesting!  I don't know who the above blocks belong to but I do know that this red one above is Donna's.  What a group of talented ladies! I wish I could see and take pictures of the finished quilts!

This is another of Jacquie's quilts.  I think I have to make one like this!  I love the way the blocks float.

Jacquie is an excellent teacher.  The past two days with her have been a wonderful experience. I recommend taking a class with her, getting her book, and taking one of her classes on Craftsy.  I've done all three! Thanks West Michigan Quilter's Guild for bringing her to Grand Rapids, and thanks Jacquie for a wonderful experience and informative and inspiring time. You can learn more about Jacquie and where she will be teaching by visiting her blog Tallgrass Prairie Studio.  It is also on my sidebar. 

  • Pick up The Sept/Oct issue of The Country Register.  The Attic Window Quilt Shop is featured on Page 9.
  • To mark your calendar for the West Michigan Quilters’ Guild Quilts on the Grand.  The date is October 3 – 5 at the DeltaPlex Arena.
  • On Thursday, October 9th at 10:00 A.M., Vickie will be holding a finishing class for her spiral lone star for anyone who has previously taken the class with her and who needs some extra help with the finishing steps. 
  • Shop Swap – Attic Window Quilt Shop and Quilted Memories – October 19 and 26
  • Here’s a nice gift you can make for that favorite gardener.  Sew Mama Sew has a tutorial for a Garden Tote.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Great photos, you captured the day perfectly Caroll. As you can see from all the responses to your blog the other day, you have a very loyal following who love and enjoy your blog. So happy to be one of them.

  2. More great inspiration today! Which book are you working with in these classes? I did an improve pillow cover once and thought I'd never get done with it. I can't even imagine a whole quilt.

  3. I am so jealous - her blog was one of the first I read, way back when. LOVE all the blocks!!!

  4. Wow, I feel like I want to try do this - this weekend!

  5. Her class looks like a lot of least the one in all the scraps was having fun...
