Monday, September 29, 2014


Saturday when I was at the Attic Window Quilt Shop taking a bag class, Laurie Schoebridge stopped in with this quilt.  I was so thrilled to see it as the blocks were free on this blog several years ago.  You may remember that Barb of Bejeweled Quilts and I shared these blocks with our readers.  She made the quilt in appliqué and I did my reindeer blocks in Redwork, as Laurie did.
Check out this close-up of one of Laurie’s blocks.  It is so cute! You can’t see it in the picture but she also added some silver metallic thread to the snowflakes.  She did a fantastic job of making this fun quilt and I was overjoyed that I was in the shop when she stopped by.  You can still get the patterns for these reindeer blocks by going here or here.  However, there is now a small fee for the patterns. ALL of the money made from the sale of these patterns goes to Judy and Clint Madsen for the Children of Romania.    I hope you will consider making this quilt or making the blocks into pillows and contributing to this very worthy cause.

A special thank you to Laurie for sharing this quilt with us.  I love it!

  • To mark your calendar for the West Michigan Quilters’ Guild Quilts on the Grand.  The date is October 3 – 5 at the DeltaPlex Arena.
  • On Thursday, October 9th at 10:00 A.M., Vickie will be holding a finishing class for her spiral lone star for anyone who has previously taken the class with her and who needs some extra help with the finishing steps. 
  • Shop Swap – Attic Window Quilt Shop and Quilted Memories – October 19 and 26
The Busy Bean has a tutorial for an organizing bucket.  I think I need one of these for my car.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. How fun to see your pattern made up! I enjoyed making the few I did and turning them into pillows.

  2. What a cute job she did, it is always exciting to see people make our designs...made my day!!

  3. Oh how cute is that, and how thrilling to see your design made up! So glad you could be there to see it, Caroll!
