Thursday, September 11, 2014



1 cup dark brown sugar (be sure to use dark)
½ cup white sugar
6 oz. (1 ½ sticks) soft butter (not runny, soft like yogurt soft)
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 teaspoon espresso powder (I use Meijer Italian roast ground to espresso powder)
2 cups regular white flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
3 cups dark chocolate chips (use Hershey’s very dark ones, not milk chocolate)

Beat sugar and butter until fluffy.  Add egg and yolk, vanilla and espresso.  Beat for five minutes until light and fluffy.

Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until mixed.  Scoop a tablespoon of batter onto baking sheet (I use a pizza stone) and slightly flatten (only slightly).

Cook on the pizza stone at 325 deg. For 12 minutes.

Secret:  They are done when the edges are firm to touch but the middle soft, but not glistening or shaky.  Due to the difference in ovens, you will probably have to test a few batches to get this just right.  If you let them cook too long they will be crispy.  If you take them out too soon they will fall apart and leave a mess on your pizza stone.

This makes about 30 cookies.  They freeze well!  I keep six out for family, and freeze the rest.  They are great to have available when company comes.  You just take them out of the freezer, pop in the microwave for a few seconds until they are just warm, then serve with ice cream and berries. 

Adrienne said she has adjusted the recipe slightly, but the original came from Cooks Illustrated Magazine.  Trust me…You will want to try these!

  • Happy Scrappers meets this coming Saturday at the quilt shop.
  • To mark your calendar for the West Michigan Quilters’ Build Quilts on the Grand.  The date is October 3 – 5 at the DeltaPlex Arena. 
ANOTHER NOTE:   My Byrd House has a nice tutorial for a beautiful scrappy hot pad.  

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

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