Friday, January 2, 2015


Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a great time and that it was as much fun as mine.  I sat for a portrait!  My 5 year old great grandson drew this picture of me.  He had to keep saying:  "Don't move."  "Turn your head back and look at your tablet."  "I think this is just the right color don't you?"  He is just too cute! I think the black squares indicate the squares on the quilt that was on the couch where I sat.

I'm posting this picture today because my computer (the one with all my pictures) is in the shop and I'm laying on the couch with a terrible head and chest cold. 

So, I guess that's all for today folks!  Stop back Monday.  Chris tells me we will have a new Newsletter available.  It is filled with lots of new classes and BOMs, UFO Days and Stitch-Ins.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Hugs, Caroll


  1. Love your made me smile! Feel better cold started Christmas eve and it's still here.

  2. If you can copy this onto fabric it would make a special front for a pillow, wallhanging, pot holder, etc.
    Kids are special!

  3. hahaha...Excellent portrait! You never looked so good. How fun! I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Oh and how lovely you are, even with a cold! Best to have it behind you and be healthy all the rest of the year. LOL Get better soon and hugs, Caroll! Bobbi

  5. I love your portrait. He has caught you in you 'Batgirl' mask! The truth is out Caroll. I hope you kick that cold quickly.

  6. So, so adorable! Love the portrait! And what a great time with your 5 year old great grandson! Here is to a speedy recovery from that nasty cold.
    Have a super great 2015!

  7. What a great portrait! Hope you are feeling better today. Hugs!
