Sunday, February 8, 2015


I hope everyone had as much fun as I did this past weekend.  The Attic Window Quilt Shop gave this adorable snowman pattern  to each participant of the Heart of Winter Bus Tour held this past weekend.  Kits were also available for purchase.
 This is the same pattern, but was reduced in size to fit this cute little hanger.  Kits are still available for purchase for anyone who wants one.
Four shops participate in the tour.  On the morning of the tour a bus leaves each shop and takes its riders to another quilt shop. The buses rotate, visiting shops so that all participants visit the four shops during the day.  I usually help out on the bus, but this year I got to see things from the other side.  I stayed back and helped out at the shop.  Above, I got a picture of the first bus to arrive at the shop.  If memory serves me right, this bus was from Kalamazoo.
This was the first stop for this bus load of women and they seemed excited to look around the shop.
Robbie (remember her?) came back into town to help on this busy day.  It was so nice to see her.  Seeing her lovely smile as she cut fabric felt like old times.

This next group to arrive was from Portland.  I don't know if they were hurrying off the bus because of the cold or that they were anxious to get into the shop.

Maybe they were hungry.  Each of the shops provided lunch for one of the groups. Chris had two kinds of homemade soups, ham and/or chicken wraps, pop, coffee, and Kathy made these wonderful cookies for everyone.  I hope to get the recipe to share with you.

After lunch the ladies had plenty of time to shop and that was why I was there.  I helped out by putting bolts of fabric back on the shelves so others could see them. Let me tell you this was no easy task as I'm not used to being on my feet all day long! But it was fun to see the shop so busy and to chat with the customers.
We were all ready for the next bus with ladies from the Montague area.
 This bus had more shoppers than the others and the ladies kept us busy.
I took this picture of Diana and Chris taking a breather after that bus left and they waited for the final bus to arrive.  Chris provided dinner for that group.  I bet it was a good dinner, but I was so exhausted that I had to leave and get home to rest!  I must admit, it was a fun day.  Handling all those bolts of fabric may do me in because I saw fabrics that I had never seen before.  There goes my pledge to work from my stash!!!

It was a wonderful day and I would encourage all of you to participate in a bus tour.  What fun, no matter which side you work  on...the bus or the shop.

  • MAKE IT TAKE IT is Tuesday, February 10th.  Come and make this classy bag with Diana.  You can see a picture of it here.
  • HAPPY SCRAPPERS meets this Wednesday, February 11th and again on Saturday, February 14th.
  • Due to the Heart of Winter Tour, FIRST SATURDAY SAMPLER moved in February ONLY from Saturday, February 7th. To Saturday, February 14th.  This will not interfere with Happy Scrappers as they will meet immediately after Sampler.
  • Blue Susan Makes has a Bursting Heart Pillow that you could make in time for Valentine's Day.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

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