Monday, February 16, 2015


It snowed this weekend.  Actually, at times it was a blizzard.  What else can you expect in February in Michigan?  I’m just thankful that I don’t live on the east coast.  God bless those who live there.   I hope those residents were able to do as I did this past weekend, which was to sit in front of the TV and sew.  I set a goal to get some appliqué done.  I was so intent on sewing and getting things finished that when I crawled into bed Sunday night, it hit me…I didn’t do a blog post.  Because of the weather I didn’t make it to Happy Scrappers on Saturday.  I don’t think anyone did.  Consequently I had no new pictures on my mind to show you. However, I was lucky.  Misti sent me pictures of what she did while snowed in.  Above is the cute Microwave Bowl Potholder that she made.
This is another view.
Check out that darling Frozen fabric.  No wonder all her friends want one.  Thanks Misti for sharing pictures of your latest project with us!

DON’T FORGET: To check the calendar for happenings this week at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  There is lots going on:  Bees, BOMs, Trip Around The World, Tatting, Civil War, El's Kitchen, Beginning Machine Quilting, Pave the Way Quilt, Fire Escape Quilt.  Call the shop if you are interested in registering or need more information.

ON ANOTHER NOTE:  If you would like to make a microwave bowl potholder yourself, Patchwork Possee has a nice tutorial.  It is not the same pattern that Misti used but you can get the idea.  I would make one but I’ve got to get some of that special batting first.  I know the tutorial says use cotton batting but I've been told that regular batting has a scrim that is not to be used in a microwave. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I have made one, and really like it. It sure comes in handy.

  2. Thank you for this great link to microwave pot holder pattern. I would like to make these soon. Looks so handy for keeping hot cereal and soup warm.
    Have a super great sewing and stitching day! Hope the snow melts away soon.

  3. Sure wish we could get some of the snow everyone else is getting. Some places around here only have a snowpack of 25% of normal. I foresee some water rationing in our future.

    Hope you get some good quality sewing time while stuck at home! Hugs!

  4. That special fabric is great for potholders, but I probably wouldn't use it for this because it's not supposed to go in the microwave. If I decided it would be better to put the potholder on the cold bowl, it could lead to problems.

    Also, most cotton batting doesn't have scrim. My favorite is Hobbs, and their batting with scrim is very clearly marked and costs a few dollars more.

  5. I stayed in and stitched too - not a lot of snow here but it was far too cold to go outside!!! Cute bowl holders!
