Tuesday, March 3, 2015


 It is another snow/sew day today and I have a little of this and that to show you.  Above is my bursting heart that I first talked about here.  It outgrew the pillow form so I made it into a table topper.  Today, I finished the binding.
Yesterday I posted about how to make a pressing bar.  I had a reader write and ask what it was for.  I’m so sorry I didn’t explain it further.  I’ve posted the picture above to show you how I use the bar to press open the seams on my binding.  Hope this clears things up.
Above is a pillowcase that Misti made.  She picked up the kit at the shop.  I love these fabrics.  Thanks for sending the picture Misti.
And this is Moe who insists on sitting on my cutting table and watching me work.  She’s such good company. 

  • Bumble Beans has a nice tutorial for making curved geese.  Check it out.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I love your bursting heart pillow turned table topper! All those reds are so pretty. Hello there pretty kitty. Cats are good company aren't they.

  2. Your bursting heart turned out great - love it! Moe looks like a very good quilt tester and supervisor. I'm glad to know you have such good "help."

  3. I adore the bursting heart! What a wonderful table topper you've made.

  4. That bursting heart is gorgeous!!!!!!!! Very very pretty. Love your little presser bar - always wondered what those were for, lol. Moe is so cute!!! I love her beauty mark!

  5. Love your bursting heart! It is gorgeous!
