Thursday, March 12, 2015


Happy Scrappers met Wednesday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and they had lots of show-n-tell.  Above is Cathy’s Freedom Rings quilt.  It was a BMO a couple of years ago at the shop.
Paula showed us this darling row quilt.  She picked up the pattern during her recent stay in Florida.
Above is Mary’s Strip Twist quilt.  She said she made it from her scraps.  What a great idea! The pattern is available at the shop. 
In February, Jane took my QAYG class.  Above is her finished quilt.  Didn’t she do a fantastic job!
I have to show you this.  Above is a picture of Jane’s new sewing machine.  It is so small and sew cute!  Someone asked her if it was a child’s toy.  Jane said it sews just like her other machines and (if I remember correctly) said it only weighs 8 lbs.  Adorable!
It even has a drawer for tools.
Marti showed us the Project Linus Quilt that she was working on during the day.  Isn’t it cute!
Nancy shows us her finished quilt that was from the Shop Swap a few months ago. 
Cathy, on left, gave us a demo on how to make her tea leaf (or cathedral window) block.
Above is the block I made.  Cathy showed us how to make this using a quick and easy method. It is all sewn on the machine (no hand sewing).  You may remember that Cathy used these blocks along the left edge of her place mats. 

Thank you Cathy for showing us how to do this!  I’m going to make more!

DON’T FORGET:  Happy Scrappers meets again on Saturday. 

ON ANOTHER NOTE:  Did you know that Nancy Zieman has a BOM.  You can find the January block here

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. The cathedral window block looks fun and easy! I'm going to add that to my scrap group's to-do list.

  2. I LOVE those beach houses - wow how cute!!!!! Can you get the name of the pattern?
