Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Have you tried Quilt As You Go?  If not I would recommend it.  Previously I taught a class based on instructions from the Quilting Edge.  You can read my post about it here.  Cathy took that class and today I want to show you how she took this method a step further.  Last year she took a class using a special curve ruler.  After she completed all the blocks she decided she didn’t want to make a full size quilt.  She chose to split the blocks and make three different table toppers using the QAYG method.  Above is the first quilt Cathy showed us during show and share at Happy Scrappers.  Notice the different quilting in each block.

This is quilt #2.  Check out the quilting in these blocks.
This is quilt #3.  Notice the wider connecting strip here.  She did this to achieve the size quilt that she wanted.  I think it looks great!
This is a close up of one of the blocks.
This view of the back shows you the quilting on one of the blocks.  I love this idea.  Quilting the individual blocks and using the QAYG method is easier since you have just the small blocks to work with when quilting them.  Cathy you are an inspiration!

  • Happy Scrappers, Saturday, May 9.
  • Glam Shell Bag, Monday, May 11.
  • Coin Purse, Tuesday, May 12.
  • Happy Scrappers, Wednesday, May 13
  • Sew Together Bag, Friday, May 15
  • Scrappers Schoolhouse, Saturday, May 16
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. I recognize this pattern. I love her fabric choices. Great idea to make several smaller projects with the blocks.
