Sunday, May 3, 2015


Want to know a secret?  I have some class pictures to show you today and a big secret to tell you about!  First, the pictures.  Above Tammy, Deb. and Nancy show off their Glam Shell Bags that they made recently during a class at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. You really should think about taking a class with Diana.  She can teach you how to make a bag that rivals name brands you would pay a fortune for on the market.
These are the inside of the bags.  They have lots of pockets and zippers.  The thing that intrigued me is that Diana scouted around and found special hardware for connecting the strap to the bag.   This hardware is sturdy and gives you a secure feeling.  Diana’s next bag class is May 11.  Call the shop to register and get your supply list.

And now for the big secret ANNOUNCEMENT!  Chris revealed this past weekend that the Attic Window Quilt Shop is MOVING!  Don’t worry.  You will not have to go any further to attend classes or get supplies as the new place is close by and the move won’t take place until August.  Ask for details the next time you are in the shop.

ATTENTION:  Recently, I have been posting that The Charity Quilt group that meets on the first Monday of the month at the shop is asking for donations.  I understand that you have answered the call, donating items for these worthy projects.  Now the Charity Group is again requesting help.  They would appreciate it if you would clear your calendar on the first Monday each month and come and help them use these donations and sew quilts for Charity.  We can use your talent!

  • Charity Quilts, Monday, May 4
  • UFO Night, Friday, May 8
  • Happy Scrappers, Saturday, May 9.
  • Glam Shell Bag, Monday, May 11.
  • Threads of Friendship Quilt Show, May 8 & 9, Muskegon, MI
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles

1 comment:

  1. Moving a store sounds like a lot of work! At least you have a few months to prepare.
