Monday, August 10, 2015


Hi there!  What do you think of this little guy?  He is adorable.  I saw him on Diana A.'s sewing machine when the Happy Scrappers met last Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  We all wanted the pattern; however, we discovered that it has been discontinued.  Boo Hoo!
It was so nice to be with my quilting friends again.  Above, Janalee sorts out some pieces she is making for a class she is taking.
These are some of the other blocks she has made for her class.
She was eager to show me her applique for the center of this quilt.  Janalee is relatively new to quilting and from the looks of what she is accomplishing, I bet she will go far in her new adventure.  She does beautiful work!
 Diana and Vickie S.
 Nancy and Rosa.
Lee Anne.

I like to get pictures of the Happy Scrappers.
Cathy spent her time concentrating.

She made these paper pieced squares.  I think she got the pattern from Fresh Lemons blog.  I'm eager to try this block.  I can see a table runner in my future.
I didn't get a picture of Marilyn because she is behind this beautiful quilt.  She said the pattern is called Lattice and is one of the Jenny Doan books.
Cathy showed us her finished sampler quilt where she used dryer sheets to make fabric for the borders.  I think I've shown this quilt before, but now it is finished and washed and I love it.  I really like that she didn't use any sashing.  This gives it a more modern look, don't you think?
I wanted to show you pictures of everyone because they were so wonderful to present me with two birthday cakes and a luncheon.
They all pitched in and brought a superb lunch.  You can't see it, but on another counter was a big pot of Mac and Cheese, and another of barbecue chicken and rolls.  Everything was scrumptious!
This is the other cake they gave me.  It really is cupcakes.  As you can see, I already snitched one!

A special thank you to everyone.  That morning I was hesitating whether or not to come as I was still feeling a little depressed.  I'm so glad I joined all of you, not only because of the fantastic party but because just being with my quilting friends lifted my spirits and helped me to feel like doing something.
In fact, Vickie S. brought a huge tote of scraps.  I dug through it and found strips of these beautiful fabrics.  She said they were left overs from a quilt her granddaughter made.  So I sewed them together and hope to get it quilted so I can give it to the Charity Quilts group that meets the first Monday of the month.  What a wonderful day I had.

  • Happy Scrappers, Wednesday, August. 12
  • UFO Night, Friday, August 14
  • Scrappers School House, Saturday, August 22
  • Stitch-In, Friday and Saturday, August 28 & 29
  • UFO Day, Monday, August 31
♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. How delightful to read this cheerful birthday post. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Caroll! I'm so glad you didn't miss this great birthday party. The food looks yummy and the cakes are so fun. And everyone's stitching is beautiful and inspiring.

  2. I am so glad you had a wonderful day. Looks like everyone has been very busy. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I found this pattern at this link.
    Is this similar to the Frog Thread Catcher shown in picture?

  4. So glad that you are back in the shop taking such great pictures! This show and tell is fantastic!! So many lovely projects going on! Good going ladies!! Well done!!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  5. So glad that you are back in the shop taking such great pictures! This show and tell is fantastic!! So many lovely projects going on! Good going ladies!! Well done!!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  6. I hope you had a tremendous birthday. Hugging you!
