Thursday, August 27, 2015


 When I was at the Attic Window Quilt Shop yesterday I saw that Chris was placing new bolts of fabric on the shelves.  I had to get a picture of these luscious fabrics.  Above is Tango by Kanvas.
The above fabrics are also by Kanvas.  Winter Novelties III is on the left and Peppermint Twist is on the right.  Time to get started on items for Christmas!
Above, Barb and Lynn check out the new shop.  If you haven't stopped by to see what everyone is talking about, be sure and do so soon.  You will be amazed!
I want to show you the surprise I received from Barb.  When she stopped by to see the new shop, she had intended to leave this for me, but I was there.  Barb gave me a lovely gift bag with the above inside.  She knows how I love kittens.  And she made this adorable needle holder for me.

This is a close up of the beautiful stitching on the needle holder.  I love it and it couldn't have come at a better time.  Not only has it lifted my spirits during this sad time for me, but it means so much to me that my quilting friends understand and care. Also, I was using a scrap piece of fabric to hold my needles.  Isn't this much classier?   Barb you are a special quilting friend and I thank you so much for your kindness.  Every time I use this I will think of you, a dear quilting friend.

  • Stitch-In, Friday and Saturday, August 28 & 29
  • UFO Day, Monday, August 31
♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles

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