Monday, August 24, 2015


 The Scrapper's Schoolhouse met this past Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I was out of town and hoping someone would send me pictures.  Guess everyone was busy sewing and having a good time.  It really is a fun group so I know that is true.  I made the above pillowcase and dropped it off at the shop before I left.  I rather like it because the cuff is "made fabric" from my pile of red scraps.
 I understand there was a guest speaker on Saturday.  Rosa had asked a woman from Hospice to join the group and explain the needs of her Hospice center.  Rosa has asked me to put the word out that there is a need for red, white, and blue fabrics or patriotic fabric as the women are going to make pillowcases for the veterans in Hospice.  Please feel free to drop your donated fabrics off at the shop and if you would like, join us when we will again meet on September 26 and make these pillowcases.

  • Stitch-In, Friday and Saturday, August 28 & 29
  • UFO Day, Monday, August 31
♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles

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