Wednesday, August 12, 2015


I have said "Quilters are the best!"  Above is just another example of how caring quilters are.  Lynn who owns the Alamosa Quilter blog, which is on my sidebar, sent this to me.  She said that since she doesn't live close enough (she lives in Colorado) to give me a hug, that she wanted to send me some cheer.  I am overwhelmed by this lovely little pouch, needle carrier and rope bowl.  The card is beautiful too!
I have been admiring the rope bowls that Lynn has been showing on her blog and told her I wished I lived closer so I could take her class.  This is a small one, just the right size for sewing things like buttons, gadgets, candy...of course candy! The on thing I noticed was how sturdy the bowl is.  I had no idea!  The little needle carrier is clever too and will be so handy.  I don't know how she made it.
I think I've mentioned before about my love of bags and this little bag is so cute and just the right size to carry my pink rotary cutter.

Lynn,, thank you so much.  Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.  You are the best!

  • UFO Night, Friday, August 14
  • Scrappers School House, Saturday, August 22
  • Stitch-In, Friday and Saturday, August 28 & 29
  • UFO Day, Monday, August 31
♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. I'm so glad you like your surprise! Full disclosure: I didn't make the pin/needle canister. A lady in my guild made it. She made a bunch and brought them to guild and passed them out. Somehow I ended up with two. I saved the second one knowing I would find someone to give it to. That someone is you! I think the canister is actually a film canister. I don't know how she made the fabric sleeve.

  2. Oh, that is so sweet. Lynn is a keeper. I'm sorry I wasn't thoughtful enough to send you something. But do rest assured I think about you almost daily and hope you are doing well. I send you positive vibes. I hope you feel them!
