Thursday, August 6, 2015


Since I have been unable to get to this shop recently, Diana A. took some pictures and sent them to me.  Above is Mary Ellen's charity quilt.  I am always amazed at the beautiful quilts these women make for charity.  This is lovely.
Julie B. made this little landscape quilt with a picture of her son.  This is adorable.  Wish I could see it close up.
Diana wrote this about the above picture.  "Gerri did this triple Irish chain. The pieces are a bit odd as the large white blocks were cut 7.25" for a 6.75" finish and the little squares were from 1.75" strips for a 1.25" finish. Gerri said it was a man who designed the wonder! Lol"

"This is what was left over from the large Irish chain quilt.  Gerri joked that she quilted and washed the triple Irish chain quilt and it REALLY shrunk...just kidding."

A special thank you to Diana for sending these pictures and the info.  I love being able to keep up with what my quilting friends are doing.

  • The Attic Window Quilt Shop has moved.  It is just a few steps away from the old building.  Turn right instead of left as you pull into the drive.  The new address is 5363 Alpine.  Stop by and see the new shop.  You are going to love it.  Pictures next week.
  • Happy Scrappers meets this Saturday.  Hope to see you there!

  • I love bags and hope I haven’t showed you this before.  Tinks Squared has a great tutorial for a simple tote bag. 
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. Lovely show and tell! Super great sewing, ladies! Thank you for the wonderful link! Those are great bags!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  2. Lovely show and tell! Super great sewing, ladies! Thank you for the wonderful link! Those are great bags!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  3. Beautiful quilts by all. I was dumb struck with the comment about the block pieces being odd because a man designed them. I couldn't see by looking at the quilt what was odd. So reading that it is because of the size of the blocks, well I still don't see anything odd. I've cut quilt pieces all kinds of sizes, so I'm glad not to fit into a standard "women's measurements". Especially in this day and age. It fits right into modern quilting.
