Monday, November 2, 2015


Today the group that makes quilts for charity met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above are the stack of quilts that Laura brought in.  She made all of them but one.

These are just a few of the quilts.  This one above is the one she did not make.  They are all adorable.
Above are more of Laura's quilts spread on a table so you can see them better.
Laura did have this quilt to show us.  She said that she made it for her niece.
Above Laura works on her Trip Around The World quilt that she is making for the charity group.
Nancy showed us her Trip Around the World that she made for the group.
 Mary Tanis, left, (who leads the group) and Laura, and Cathy were busy working on charity quilts today.  
 Mary W.  joined the group and was working on a 30's quilt.
 Mary Ellen works on a charity quilt.
Lee Anne kept busy today working on a charity quilt.  I did ask her about the bag class that she will be having later this month and will show you more about that later.
Vickie S. was having a "catch-up" class for her Lone Star Swirl quilt.  Above, Linda shows us her mock up for her quilt.
Last but not least, I want to thank Carmela Cataudella-Sanzone for sending us this box of fabrics for our charity group.  Carmela lives in Pennsylvania and when she read on the blog that we needed donations of fabric, she boxed up some of her fabrics and sent them to us.  What a pleasant and wonderful surprise.  Mary T. and Lee Anne said they would try to remember which of your fabrics go into a quilt so I could take a picture and send it to you.  

I read in Reader's Digest that you should not think of it as charity, but think of it as an investment in the Human Race.

Carmalea we can't thank you enough!  You are truly an angel.  Wish you were here too so you could sew with us.  You prove what I have said in the past:  Quilters are the best!!!!!

  • Sew Together Bag, Wednesday, Nov 4
  • Doll Bee Very Small Snowman, Thursday, Nov. 5
  • Quilt As You Go, Friday, Nov. 6
  • Sampler & Bee, Saturday, Nov. 7
Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. "An investment in the human race" - I like that.

  2. You gals are certainly busy making that investment - and how lovely of Carmela to send all that fabric!

  3. Thanks Caroll! I'm glad I was able to help out. After the holidays I'll be cleaning out the basement and let's see if I can send some more. Enjoy! Carmela
