Sunday, December 13, 2015


 I stopped by the Attic Window Quilt Shop last week just in time to see what was happening in Vickie S.'s One Block Wonder Class.  Above, Karen M. has her pieces placed on the audition board so she can view block placement and try out some borders.  I love these OBW's but am so afraid to try one.  It looks like way too much piecing for me.  I hope I get to see Karen's quilt when it is completed.  I love those fabrics.
 Karen also made these Bargello placemats when she took a class from Vickie S.  How beautiful!
Gail C. also took Vickie's OBW class.  Above is a picture of her quilt all put together.  It is stunning!
This is a close up of Gail's quilt.  Gail said,  “I’m going to call this quilt “Resistance is Futile”  - a Reference to Star Trek and the Borg.  Some will understand - others will not have a clue!”

I’m a trekkie fan but had to look that one up on the internet.  Gail said she put the cubes in this quilt because it is going to a young man.

  • Farm Girl Vintage BOM, Wednesday, Dec. 16
  • Stitch-in, Friday, Dec. 18
  • Scrappers Schoolhouse, Saturday, Dec. 19
  • Paper Piecing BOM, Monday, Dec. 21
NOTICE:  The shop will CLOSE early on Dec. 23 and 24, at 2 p.m.
The Shop will be CLOSED on Friday, Dec. 25 and Saturday, Dec. 26

Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. Wow, indeed! I took Vickie's class and I can attest that it is not difficult piecing this together. The difficult part is laying it out, together, on top of itself, EXACTLY, and cutting the fabric. It also is the beauty of it all. These quilts are stunning!

  2. I'd like to try the OBW quilt sometime, too. I especially like the one with the cubes on it. Would be fun to try!
