Wednesday, January 6, 2016


 A number of women met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week to make Charity Quilts.
 So many wonderful people have contributed their scraps to help these women with sewing quilts.  These donations are much appreciated.

 I worked on a charity quilt that I started a couple of months ago.  My goal was to quilt it on my sewing machine, the small one that I carry to the shop. When I told Carol Huster that I was going to use straight line quilting, she gave me a hint that I want to share with you.  Even though I had pinned my sandwich together, Carol suggested that I place straight pins where the seams meet.  She said this is helpful in keeping the backing from getting folds as I sew.

I did what she said, and look.  Not a pucker on the back of the quilt.  Carol has a long arm quilting service.  If you would like to find out more about Carol and her service, call the shop for information.
 Here is my quilt all finished.  Even the binding is on it.
 This is a closer view.  I'm thrilled with how this scrap quilt turned out.  I used scraps of red fabrics to make the center squares.  I found the black fabrics, and the red/green corner stone fabric in the Attic Window Quilt Shop scrap basket.  The other pieces of fabric were in one of the donation bags.  Whoot! Whoot!
This is a closer view so you can see how I quilted it.  Nothing fancy, just straight line quilting.  Now I'm going to make one using my green scraps.

  • THE HEART OF WINTER TOUR, Saturday, February 13.  Call the shop and make your reservations now as seating is limited.  
  • Hand Stitching and Ruby Short McKim, Friday, Jan. 8 (you can see a sample here)
  • UFO Night, Friday, Jan. 8
  • Happy Scrappers, Saturday, Jan. 9
  • Beginning Crochet – Monday, Jan. 11
  • Stand & Stow Bag – Friday, Jan. 15
  • Mystery Quilt Block – Saturday, Jan 16
  • Quilt As You Go – Thursday, Jan. 28
  • London City Bag – Friday, Jan. 29 (you can see a sample here)
  • Heart of Winter Tour – Saturday, Feb. 13
  • Spring Craft Days – Friday, Mar. 18 and 19
Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

  • Alamosa Quilter has a tutorial and information for making a 3” wild goosey block!
♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. I love straight line quilting. I like the quilt to be about the fabrics and the design...not so much the quilting. Just that it looks quilted. I know I'm in a minority on that. I really LOVE your quilt. Great colors, love the design and it makes such am impact.. I think you did a great job with it. Quilters are a generous bunch we are. Kudos to the generous ladies of the Attic Window Quilt Shop.

  2. What a fun thing to do....makes the time go faster and is so enjoyable to be with others doing something you love.

  3. Oh my Caroll! It's darling! I love how you quilted it- so simple and fast and just perfect.

  4. I love this quilt you are making. It's just the bomb.
