Sunday, February 14, 2016


 This past Saturday the Attic Window Quilt Shop was one of the shops visited on the Heart of Winter Tour.  Above (left to right) Sue, Marilyn, and Robbie were busy getting ready for the first bus to arrive.
 Left to Right, Jill, Cathy, and Robbie are filling goodie bags for the guests.
 And then the first bus arrived.  This bus was from Kalamazoo.
 Most of the women on the bus had not seen the new shop.  I think they liked what they saw.
 In no time everyone got down to the business of shopping.
 Marilyn gave a demo on how to use the pineapple tool from Creative Grids.
 Above is her sample.  It is stunning and I can't wait to take this class from Marilyn.
 Look at this beautiful lady.  I couldn't resist and had to ask why she had the tiara on her head (can you see it?).  She said that she was queen of the bus.  She also told me that when they left the shop to go to the next shop she had to give it up because someone else would be queen for that trip.  How cute!
 Jill is helping customers.
 Marilyn is helping customers select a pattern for the mat I told you about here.
 Soon the Kalamazoo group was back on the bus to the next shop and then the bus from Portland arrived.  Those on that bus received a nice lunch while at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.
 After lunch,, they had time to shop too.
 Marilyn showed each group how to use the Pineapple tool.
 These women did some serious shopping.
The line was a little long, but they were so patient and friendly we hated to see them go.

Another bus with the group from Montague arrived later in the afternoon.  However, I had to leave before they came.  Then, around dinner time the Attic Window bus arrived back at the shop where they had a nice supper before heading home to fondle their fabric purchases of the day.  What a fun day for everyone!

  • Make It Take It (Pop Up) – Thursday, Feb. 18
  • Stitch In and Mystery Block – Friday, Feb. 19
  • Happy Scrappers – Saturday, Feb. 20
  • Come Sew With Me – Wednesday, Feb. 24
  • Stand N Stow Tote – Friday, Feb. 26
  • Scrappers Helping Hands – Saturday, Feb. 27
  • Spring Craft Days – Friday, Mar. 18 and 19
  • Shuttle Tatting Refresher – Monday, Feb. 22
  • Stand-N-Stow Tote – Friday, Feb. 26
Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles

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