Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Come Sew With Me was held Wednesday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Rosa and I were the only ones who showed up.  I think the terrible weather forecast kept everyone away.  Fortunately it was just rain here all day.  Above is this adorable baby quilt that Rosa worked on.
I put the binding on this charity quilt.
And I put the binding on this little table topper that I made for my DIL.  It looks cooked, but that is because it is laying on a folded quilt beneath it.  Sorry, but I'm to tired to take another picture.  This is made from scraps from another project that I had made her.  It is a QAYG and from the book Learn To Quilt-As-You-Go by Gudrun Erla.
 I did see these basket samples at the shop.  Diana made them.  They come in three different sizes.  Diana said that she is going to use the large one to hold her tubes of fusible, interfacing, tracing paper, fuse and tear, all those things that we quilters seem to accumulate and do not want to fold so we wrap it around an empty wrapping paper tube or an empty paper towel tube.  What a good idea.  Watch for Diana's class in next month's calendar.

These are the samples of the place mats that we are going to make on Thursday during the Make It Take It class.  There is a class at 1 p.m. and another at 5 p.m.  Call the shop to see if there are any openings.

I was tired when I drug myself home after quilting all day, but was delighted to find this in the mail.  When my Great Grandson recently spent the night with me, he introduced me to a secret code.  Do you know what this says?  ( either...I'm going to call his Mom).  Now I have to get busy and send a coded message back.  So I better go for now and get busy sewing....oops, coding.

  • Make It Take It - Thursday, Mar. 24
  • Scrappers Helping Hands - Saturday, Mar. 26
  • Search For The Stars Shop Hop - April 14-23 
    • Eleven Shops are participating.  Prizes will be awarded.  Passports are now available at only $5
Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. What lovely quilts!!! Glad you only got rain - my cousin in Alpena is getting 10+ inches of snow tomorrow, lol. Love your little table topper, those fabrics are gorgeous. What a great secret code - c'mon, you can crack it, I know you can!!!

  2. Absolutely adorable...but a tough one, you´ll need the codebook for sure! I´m still waiting on Grandchildren myself--can´t wait, gonna be great! Love and hugs, Bobbi

  3. I think it says something about bad weather and that it's a good time to sew him something. LoL. I think it's wonderful that you have a quilt shop to spend some wonderful time stitching and socializing and and sharing. Lots of good stuff coming out of this shop!

  4. Oh, your green quilt turned out so cool! I loved seeing it!
