Sunday, March 13, 2016


 Note:  Free! Please read special note at end.
 Chris (owner of the Attic Window Quilt Shop) issued a challenge to the Happy Scrappers when they met this past Saturday at the shop.  We were told to bring strips of fabric of various sizes.  Then we were told to sew those strips into strata.  Above, she shows us our next step.

Chris had our rapt attention as we watched her demonstration.

Chris used Cathy's blocks when showing us our next step.
After the demo, we all got down to work.  Vickie S. and Diana A. put their strips together and made these blocks.
I caught Diana at the ironing board ironing those little cut off triangles on the corners of her blocks.
Diana likes to use all her scraps and she likes working with tiny things.  I'm eager to see how she will work these HST into her quilt.
 Lee Anne is busy sewing her strata.  Look at those luscious colors in her fabrics!

 Yvonne made this block.  I love her bright fabrics!

Yvonne said she is going to make her block into a hot pad and is going to use this square for the back.

 Rosa was finally back from her month-long cruise.  We sure missed her.
Rosa shows us the cross stitch that she did while on her vacation.

 Above, Jill irons her blocks that she is making into a quilt for someone who is graduating.  These pastel blocks are lovely.
 "You can tell everyone that I worked all day and made this," Janalee joked when I asked her what she was working on.  Actually, Janalee made these blocks then struggled with another project.  Judy F. helped Janalee with her endeavor.  I just love how helpful quilters are.
When she wasn't helping Janalee, Judy F. worked on this adorable redwork project.

Above are the blocks that Cathy M. also worked on that day.  They are for her Vintage Farm Girl BOM.

Above, Nancy works on a different project.  I think Nancy's favorite color is purple.  She always makes it look so delightful.

 Sheryl finished making this beautiful quilt.  When I asked her who she made it for, she said, "I think me.  I have to keep this one."  I would feel the same way if I made this quilt with these attractive fabrics.

 This is a close up of the applique blocks in Sheryl's quilt.  She did an excellent job of machine applique on these blocks.

Shuuuush, don't tell.  I snapped this picture when no one else was around.  I think Vickie S. is working on a new project.  It is wool and batiks.  Eager to see her finished project.

NOTE:  In celebration of National Quilt Month, the Attic Window Quilt Shop is giving customers a free fat quarter and a discount on Friday and Saturday, March 18 and 19, 2016.

  • Mosaic Quilt - Thursday, Mar. 17
  • National Quilt Month Celebration at AW - Friday and Saturday, Mar. 18 & 19
  • Spring Craft Days – Friday, Mar. 18 and 19    CANCELLED  NOTE:  Spring Craft days has been moved to May.
  • Search For The Stars Shop Hop - April 14-23 
    • Eleven Shops are participating.  Prizes will be awarded.  Passports are now available at only $5
Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. What a fun bunch - such different projects but all so wonderful!!!

  2. Fun to see everyone. Thanks for sharing. I missed you all. No energy to drive up and so much to do here. Sorry I missed you all.
