Sunday, March 27, 2016


If you read this blog frequently, you know what a fun group of quilters meet at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  It rained last Thursday when we met for Vickie's Place Mat class.  I caught Yvonne with this headgear protecting her lovely do!  What a hoot!  But really, where else can  you get such good ideas!  Now you know what to do when you forget your umbrella!

 After we all stopped laughing, Vickie S. started the class.  If you are a visual learner like me, you will love attending her classes.  She has each step on a poster board so it is easy to follow along as she tells us what to do.
Vickie also showed us this lovely table runner that we could make using the special tool that we bought to make our place mats.  I always appreciate learning of various ways I can use a tool.  It is so much better to be able to use a tool more than once.

Above, Eleanor S. shows us the first step in making our place mats.  Love her fabrics.

Gail C. made this stunning place mat.  Can't you just imagine four of those on a table!  Lovely!

Rosa shows her four blocks sewn together.

Here is Rosa after she has stitched the place mat together.  Next step is quilting and then binding.

Jill has her blocks together.  I think she is going to add a center button before she makes it into a place mat.
Vickie helps Lee Anne and Yvonne with cutting their fabrics.  That cutting can be a little tricky.

 These are Lee Anne's blocks ready to be sewn together.

Above are Yvonne's blocks waiting to be sewn.  You are not seeing double.  Yvonne and Rosa are using the same fabrics for their place mats.

I'll show you my place mats on another day, after I get the binding on, which I have to do today because my grandson is moving into his own apartment this week and I want them for his table.

  • UFO - Monday, Mar. 28
  • Open Bee - Tuesday, Mar. 29
  • New Age Sampler - Saturday, Apr. 2
  • Search For The Stars Shop Hop - April 14-23 
    • Eleven Shops are participating.  Prizes will be awarded.  Passports are now available at only $5
Be sure and check the calendar on the Sidebar for more happenings at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week.

  • Why Not Sew has a tutorial for a Honey Bee quilt.
♥ Caroll, 
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. Quilters are creative and find many ways to use quilt blocks. Sounds like a fun group

  2. Someday I'll get over there and meet everyone, the placemats, and congrats to your grandson! Nothing like your own place.
