Thursday, February 9, 2017


The Happy Scrappers met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop today.  Above, Carol shows us the table runner that she recently made. Today she finished sewing the binding.

I wanted to show you this closeup of the stitching she did on her table runner.  Love those tulips.

Carol also made this block, the first in a new quilt.
Peggy showed us her latest finish.  She made this quilt for her daughter's 30th wedding anniversary.  It is stunning.
This is a closeup of a wedding ring block.  Peggy said she started this king size quilt on her daughter's 25th wedding anniversary.  She used Quilt Smart for the wedding rings and appliqued them onto the quilt.  Peggy, what a fantastic job!
Since Adrienne is visiting her homeland, she could not be with us today, but she did send us a picture of the quilt top that she just finished for her son.  We miss you Adrienne.
I worked on several projects.  Above I chain stitched the blades for the Dresden Plate table runner.
  I used Stephanie's trick for pressing the blades.  It really works!
In no time at all I had all my blades sewn and pressed.
I made the blocks for our Bees in The Attic Bee Hive.  I finished another block, too, for another Hive that I am in, but forgot to take a picture.  I think it was a productive day!

ACT NOW:  While at the shop today I heard that anyone who wants to participate in the Heart of Winter Tour better act NOW because the bus is filling up fast!

  • Doll Bee, Thursday, Feb. 9
  • Tatting (p.m.), Thursday, Feb. 9
  • CORRECTION:  The UFO Night has been moved to Friday, Feb. 17
  • Heart of Winter Tour, Saturday, Feb. 11
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles

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