Tuesday, June 13, 2017


In case you were wondering, these four small snowball squares are what I accomplished last week while at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I think I was too busy talking, catching up with all that's been happening with my fellow quilters over these past few months.  Sure is good to get back into the swing of things.

On another note:  Remember last week when a fellow quilter asked this question:

"I have the problem. At home I am always looking for my quilting patterns, rulers, scissors etc.... I put things away and can't remember where...  Do any readers in quilting land have any suggestions or ways to keep track of things.  The latest is, I looked at my pattern of Ellie the elephant, a BJcreations pattern.  Now I can't find it?   I knew where it was for ten years, now I can't find it.

I look forward to hearing suggestions from you and other quilters at the Attic.

We received several interesting and helpful suggestions and I wanted to share them with you.

  • Joyce writes:  I find the things I could not find when I am looking for something else!  (Isn’t that so true!)
  • Julie (Teacher at the Attic Window Quilt Shop)writes:  Hi Carol! I have been keeping all my sewing supplies in see thru bins on a shelf. It's easy to see what's in the bin (shoe box size or bigger) on the shelf. On a separate shelf, in notebooks, I keep all my patterns I have used. I have a separate notebook for my favorite ones....the ones I make often for gifts, etc. My new patterns (ones I want to make) I keep in a see thru bin on my shelf. I see them every time I walk into my sewing room. On another shelf, I keep fabric, folded up and stacked by color. Ok, this isn't so neat right at the moment, but usually I can see all the fabric easily and grab what I need. If there is overflow, the larger yardage goes into bins I can see thru and that gets stacked up.My sewing tools, I keep in a revolving chef tool holder. It has about a dozen slots for things like scissors, small rulers, pens, pencils, marking pens, doll making gadgets, etc. For smaller tools, I have empty talenti ice cream containers, which are see thru. I keep small clippers, stitch rippers, etc - stuff I need to keep handy when I sew. Funny, it seems like I need another one of those empty ice cream containers for something now and then, so I have to buy the ice cream to get it.   They stack on top of each other nicely, too.   Great for buttons, bobbins, and what not too. The best thing though, was switching to see thru container, boxes and bins. Now I can see everything at a glance and no pulling out boxes, just to see what's in it.   I can't wait to hear what ideas others send you. That was a great question for the blog.
  • Lynn at Alamosa Quilter writes:  I keep a lot of patterns in digital format on my iPad. I've had the iPad for several years and haven't lost it yet. Printed patterns seem to get lost underneath other stuff in my sewing room, but I keep better track of my iPad since I use it for lots of other things. 
  • Yvonne writes:  I use a silverware drawer tray along side my sewing machine.  I use the compartments for scissors, small rulers, marking pen/pencils, sewing machine needles, my glue etc.  Also one of those plastic roll around drawers for extra pins, scissors, cutters, needles etc.  If no room in the sewing room they have those small plastic drawers table tops.
  • Allie of Allie Oops Sweet Happy Life writes:  I lose things too - the only suggestion I can make is to keep "like" items together. All books in one spot, all patterns, all threads, etc. That way, if you're looking for a pattern, you don't have to look through everything. 
A very special thank you to all who responded.  I know these helpful suggestions have me looking at things differently.

  • New Shop Hours beginning June 1 through August 31 -  Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Tuesday through Thursday  10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ALSO:   The JUNE CALENDAR is now available.  You can see the month at a glance by clicking on the hat lady on the sidebar.  Let me know if it doesn't work.  I've had a terrible time trying to get the link to work.

In the meantime, look at what is happening this week
  • Happy Scrappers, Wednesday, June 14
  • Doll Bee, Thursday, June 15
  • Chenille Class, Friday, June 16
  • Stitch-In, Saturday, June 17
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles

1 comment:

  1. That's the blue I like Caroll, very pretty block! Love those fabrics. You got some great answers - like Yvonne, I keep a silverware tray next to my sewing machine, that way I don't lose extra feet. Mine is aqua, lol.
