Sunday, September 10, 2017


The Happy Scrappers met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this past Saturday.  Therefore, I have lots to show you today.  In fact, there is so much it will continue throughout the week.  This really is a productive group.  Above is the little book that Marilyn made.
This is the inside of the first page of the book.
And this is the panel that Marilyn used to make the book.  You can get the panel at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.
 Marilyn also worked on her QAYG using her homespun fabrics.  What a wonderful idea for a man's quilt.
Val was busy making a Michigan State University quilt for her...well, I forget, but I think she said it was for her niece.  She had a new pattern which I hadn't seen before, so I hope she'll bring her finished quilt for us to see before she gives it away.
Lee Anne is continuing to work on her charity quilt using these beautiful batik fabrics.
Nancy finished her strip quilt that she made for charity.
Then Nancy started working on another quilt for Charity.  These gals really are workers!
I put the corners on these squares that I'm making for a table runner.  Basically most of the time I talked and took pictures and browsed the books and fabrics.  Oh, my, like I need any more of either of those, but I can't resist.  There is new fabric in at the shop but I'll have to show that to you later.
 Naturally, we had to replenish ourselves, gain strength for all this sewing.  What a fun day.
Don't forget, the Happy Scrappers meets again on Wednesday, Sept. 13.  Hope you can come and join the fun!

While there, don't forget to pick up your passport for the The Country Fair Road Tour of 2017 held October 12, 13, & 14.

Upcoming Events:
  • SEW AND SHOW YOUR ROW BY ROW STITCH-IN! Come and sew on your Row X Row kits along with show and tell!  What a great way to work on those past and present rows and share with others what kits you have. Bring a dish to pass.  WHEN:  Friday, Sept. 15 and Saturday, Sept. 16, from 10-5. FEE:  Free if you have your kit from the Attic Window Quilt Shop, otherwise the Fee is $5 for the day and this includes beverages provided by the shop. Enjoy Door Prizes, food and drinks.  LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE!!!  So sign up now!
  • ALL CLEAN UP DAYS.  First Day of autumn!  Friday, Sept. 22 and Saturday, Sept. 23 Time to do some fun fall cleaning here at the shop!  Discounts from 20% to 75% off.  Check out the bargains and get some great deals.  Also get some great ideas for some quick fall and Christmas projects!
  • Charity Quilts, Monday, Sept. 11
  • Evening Sampler, Monday, Sept. 11
  • Sampler & Bee, Tuesday, Sept. 12
  • Beginning Machine Applique, Tuesday p.m., Sept. 12
  • Happy Scrappers, Wednesday, Sept. 13
  • Doll Bee, Thursday, Sept. 14
  • Beginning Quilting, Thursday, Sept. 14
  • Sew & Show & Stitch-In, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 15 & 16
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles


  1. Wow! Lots of fun happenings going on in that quilt shop! Caroll, your bow blocks look wonderful. What a fun runner that is going to be!

  2. You've all been very busy with great projects in the works.! Can you tell me the size for the charity quilts?

  3. I rarely comment but I always enjoy seeing when people are working on.....
