Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Have you ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right and you get frustrated?  Today was one of those days for me.  The carpenter didn't call me back.  The Pest Control place (I think I have carpenter ants) did not answer phone.  And the package from a local department store where I had ordered a knit shirt, arrived.  They sent me a can opener!  Good grief! Talk about frustration. I did the best thing I could do.  I marched to my sewing room and got to work.  Now I can see why they call quilting/sewing therapy.  I felt so much better after sewing all these blocks together,
Next I will sew these together.
Then after adding another piece to make a square, I will put them together to make a place mat.
I'm using the pattern from Cut Loose Patterns.  Saw it at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and had to have it.
This is the table runner to go with the six place mats.  You have probably guessed that these are not my colors.  My son picked them out and asked me to make the table runner and place mats for the table in his new house.  Naturally, I jumped at the idea.  And how wonderful to have a project like this to help me forget all about my frustration.  (A can opener!)

  • Doll Bee, Thursday, July 26
  • Stitch-In, Friday and Saturday, July 27 & 28
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whaaa?! Well, Caroll, obviously the store knows you are a quilter with no time to cook. They are helping you to have more sewing time. Now you can just open a can, toss a fork into it and say to yourself “enjoy your meal”. Then get right back to your sewing. They knew it was what you really wanted. Not some useless shirt. LOL. The placemats and table runner are looking great!

  3. I´m smiling wide--"A can opener!" LOL You´ve just had one of those hopefully rare "You gotta be KIDDING me!" days which means you´re good for a few less frustrating ones. Doesn´t mean you shouldn´t keep up your therapy till the next one hits! :o)) Thanks for the fun, be cool if you may and happy summer sewing hugs! Bobbi
