Thursday, September 27, 2018


I'm not sure if redecorating the Shop or getting ready for the upcoming show, but when I visited the Attic Window Quilt Shop yesterday I saw a pile of table toppers that Vickie S. had made and I wanted to show them to you.  I love the scalloped edge on this one.
 Vickie has a wonderful way with color.  What a nice gift this runner and place mat would make.
 Can't you just see this brightening up your holiday table!
 These place mats look easy to make as well as stunning.
Vickie made these place mats.  I've made them myself and can vouch that they are easy.  The pattern comes with the special tool that is needed to make them.

 I hope Vickie doesn't mind this one-woman show.  I love her work.  She is also an excellent teacher.  I'm hoping she'll have some classes on these.  You can get the patterns and tools required to make these table toppers and runners and place mats at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.

Don't forget the BIG SALE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 through Sept. 29.

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