Sunday, February 10, 2019


Despite the snowy weather and the many, many power outages here in and around Grand Rapids, the Heart of Winter Bus Tour took place this past Saturday.  We left the Attic Window Quilt Shop on the bus at 8 a.m. and arrived at Pressing Matters in Holland some time later. It was like the weather person knew we needed to get out of the house, because it was a bright sunny day and a beautiful drive to Holland.  All the shops on the tour had great store discounts for us.  Above, the ladies enjoyed starting the day shopping.
Robyn said she wanted to make this quilt.
The shop graciously provide us with a mid morning snack of bagels and several varieties of cream cheese, coffee and hot chocolate.
I want to make this quilt.
As we left the shop to get on the bus to our next destination, we were given goodies.
I asked a couple of women to show me what they got.
This is Riley (her Aunt Mary is on the left).  Riley went on the Bus Tour with us.  She is such a help.  She was in charge of going up and down the isle and taking count so I would know that everyone got on the bus.  We had 46 people on that bus and I sure didn't want to leave anyone behind shopping or in the bathroom.   I never had to ask her or remind her what her job was.  As I got onto the bus wondering if I was the last person, Riley was already coming up the isle taking count. Thanks Riley! You were a big help!
Just before the bus pulled away from Pressing Matters, the shop owner came onto the bus.  Included in our handouts was a ticket.  The shop owner pulled a ticket from her bag of ticket stubs and Deb Wiggins won this lovely bag with goodies inside. Congratulations Deb!
This is what was included in the handouts we all received from Pressing Matters: candy, pattern, fabric on a stick, and a 20% discount card for the next time we visited the shop.
Next we arrived at Quilted Memories in Montague.
It was lunch time and the shop provided us with a wonderful lunch.
I didn't get the pictures until most of us had eaten but you can see the wonderful sandwiches, soup, salad and cookies.  Yum!
Here are some serious shoppers.
 Jill, shop owner, saw that I had purchased a book and told me that she was making the quilt that is in it.  She was kind enough to show me what her quilt looks like so far.  Isn't it beautiful!
This is Jill showing us another quilt she is making.  
Above is the gift each of us received from Quilted Memories.  The kit includes everything we need to make this key fob, plus a $5 coupon for the next time we visit.  
Next on the Bus Tour was The New Ewe in Newaygo.
On the left is Sue, our wonderful Bus Driver, helping us off the Bus as we head for The New Ewe.
 Here we are eager to see what is in this quilt shop.
 Above the shop owner gives us a demo on a new ruler.
This Simple Folded Corners ruler looked interesting.
Loved this cute sample in the shop.  
The New Ewe gave us two new patterns.and a 20% off coupon on future purchase.
We had a late start getting back on the bus and heading back to the Attic Window.  The New Ewe had so many interesting things that it was difficult to get everyone to stop shopping.  
 But here we are back at the Attic Window Quilt Shop
 Just in time for dinner.  There were turkey wraps, two kinds of soup, apple cold slaw, meat balls, cookies, and drinks.  This was fantastic!  Didn't have to cook all day!
Above, shoppers were eager to shop at this wonderful store.
 Each of us on the Tour received this book and zipper bag from the Attic Window Quilt Shop.
 And the bag was filled with goodies.  Candy (chocolate of course), a pencil, universal sewing machine needles, an ABC Pocket Guide on machine needles, fabric, and a 20% discount card for future purchase.

All in all it was a fantastic day.  A special thank you to all the shop owners for putting on this great event for us quilters who really did need to get out of the house and talk to friends and shop!  You guys are the best!

Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles

1 comment:

  1. Caroll, it looks and sounds like it was a really fun day! I’m glad there was a nice break in the weather for your shop hop. It’s starting up again here in Wisconsin and will continue for a few days. Ugh!
