Wednesday, March 13, 2019


 It was so wonderful today to get out of the house and spend the day with the Happy Scrappers at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Lots of talk and laughter and sewing.  We had some nice show-n-tell too.  Above Mary W. shows us one of the three quilts that she made for charity.  
 This is another quilt that Mary made for charity.  I love how she uses these wonderful 30s fabrics.  They are so soft and soothing.
 This is the back of her quilt.
 Mary also made this quilt for charity.  She has been very busy this past month.  
This is the back of the above quilt.  
Like I say, we had some laughter too.  Janalee, Cathy, and I got to talking about how many steps we had in so far that day.  Mary asked us questions, and I think we inspired her.  A little later I caught her walking through the shop.  She said she was getting her steps in.  She has a path through the shop that gets her 200 steps in each time she follows it. Wow! You go girl.
 Cathy had some show-n-tell too.  Above is her latest finish.  
This close-up allows you to see the quilting that she did herself.  Great job!
 During the day while Janalee, Mary, Diana and I worked away on sewing but not finishing anything, Cathy made this cute top.  And...
She got busy and made another one.  She said this one was too narrow and that she was going to put another row on it before quilting it. She also said she was going to donate these quilts to charity once they are quilted and bound. Way to go Cathy.

ATTENTION: Monday hours have changed.  The Attic Window Quilt Shop is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday during the months of February, March, and April.  Tuesday through Saturday hours have not changed and will remain the same as usual.

  • Search For the Stars Shop Hop is the end of April.
  • Row By Row begins in June.
  • Doll Bee, Thursday, Mar. 14
  • Intermediate Quilting, Thursday, Mar. 14
  • Stitch-In, Friday & Saturday, Mar. 15 and 16
  • National Quilting Day, Saturday, Mar. 16
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles


  1. Adorable quilts for charity!! I'm thinking of starting a charity club at my shop. Does your group have a specific charity you donate to or does everyone just donate individually to various groups? Looks like a good time was had by all.

  2. Great charity quilts, you are all so busy always!! I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend, Caroll.
