Sunday, July 28, 2019


This past Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop, Adrienne Wilson taught us how to use our scraps to make beautiful quilts.  
 Above,  she explains the process to some of her students.
The first step is to iron your scraps. And as you do that, group the fabrics that you think will go together nicely in a block.
For instance, Adrienne used her fabrics to make this block.  Notice that none of these scraps are on the square.  
Adrienne had this board to demo how you can make blocks.
Here, she shows how to make your blocks into strips.
These examples show how you can make your blocks, square, asymmetrical, or use wedges.  It is your choice.  Use your creativity to make your blocks.  And remember, your rotary cutter is your friend.
Adrienne explained how she built this quilt.  She said it is a good idea to squint your eyes and see if a piece of fabric jumps out at you.  If it does, maybe you should make it a smaller piece in the quilt.
I think the women were getting excited to begin making their blocks.
Before they did,  however, Adrienne wanted to show them another quilt that she had made using her scraps.  The one in the previous photo was made using bright colored scraps.  This quilt above used what Adrienne said were her low volume fabrics.  Such a sweet quilt.
Here are her two quilts side by side.
What a generous teacher.  Adrienne brought this pile of scraps and let us take what we wanted.  She helped me pick out some low volume fabrics for the quilt I want to make.
Above, Adrienne helped Pat, a relative new quilter, with sewing her scraps together.
 Nancy is working on sewing her scraps into strips.
 Sandy K. shows us her asymmetrical block.
 Marianne B. shows us her blocks.
Karen shows us how she is building her blocks.
Pat R. proudly shows her block.
I took this picture at the end of class.  I believe, this is what Marianne accomplished.  Wow, she is really moving on this.

I didn't get a picture, but did you know that lunch was included with this class?  Thank you Chris for the wonderful lunch!  Chris told me that she plans to have a SSL (Sew, Socialize, Lunch) again next month.  Watch for it on the calendar.

I can't say enough about Adrienne.  What an excellent teacher, not only giving of her time and making sure each participant had the help they needed, but she was so generous with her scraps too.  Thank you so much Adrienne for doing this.

  • Monday, July 29
    • Stitch-In
  • Tuesday, July 30
    • Bee
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles

1 comment:

  1. What a fun class. thanks for the detailed photos. They are already floating around in my brain.
