Friday, October 2, 2020


Hello Quilters!  Marjorie from Utah has been busy quilting.  She sent me this picture of her latest finish.  This is what she says:

"All is still well here in Utah.  The temps have cooled down to normal so it feels like I can breathe again...But we get lots of smoke from California.

I finished the quilt top for my newest great granddaughter.  She was born two weeks ago.  Now I just need to get the back made and get it to the quilter before she gets busy with quilts others want for Christmas.

The plaids for dads reminded me of fabric I used several years ago when I taught a class using plaid to make a chenille scarf.  The fabric makes beautiful chenille.  Also makes snuggly quilts.

Take care, stay safe and keep quilting.

Thank you Marjorie, for sending us this picture and note. You inspire me.  Now I want to get to my sewing room and accomplish something.  Dog sitting and a son in the hospital has kept me a little busy lately.  But things are back to normal (by that I mean no dog and that son is fine) and I plan to get the binding onto my latest quilt so I can take a picture.

I hope all is well with everyone.  Don't forget to stop in at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and take advantage of their sale items and all the new fabric.  Shop hours are Monday-Thursday, 10-5; and Friday and Saturday, 10-3. 

Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles

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