Sunday, August 29, 2021


The Happy Scrappers met this past Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I want to show you the fun time we had.  Above, Jean Janey (sorry I didn't catch that I wrote her name wrong until it was pointed out to me) is making pillowcases.  She belongs to the Wednesday Night Strippers guild and they sew for a service organization named Heads At Ease.  These pillow cases go to members in our armed services.  Janey says that she sends out thirty at a time!  What a wonderful project!
Aren't these pillowcases beautiful!  What a wonderful project that Janey his working on!
Nancy is new to the group and spent the day sewing little blocks for a quilt she is making.  Hope she comes back and shows us the finished project!
Marti spent the day making these little hexagons.
This is the bag pattern that she's making those hexagons for.  Can't wait to see that!
That Mary....drinking again 😅   She's such a delight, and kept busy all day sewing charity quilts.
Janalee shows us one of the many blocks she made today.  She said this little block board helps her to sew the pieces together correctly.
Chris, shop owner, showed us some antique quilts.  Above is a large quilt made completely of yo-yos.  She said this quilt is about 100 years old.  I looked at the stitches holding the yo-yos together and could not believe how tiny they are.
This is another antique quilt.
And this is another antique quilt.  Chris said that you should not put these antique quilts in the washing machine.  She sells a special soap at the Attic Window Quilt Shop that you soak these quilts in and it works really well!

A fun time was had by all!  I always look forward to going to the shop to sew.  Can you believe it's almost September!  The new calendar will be up soon.  New classes have been added and new items are in at the shop to give you ideas on what to make next and for the upcoming holidays.  

Be sure and stop in at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and check out all the new items.  The shop is open Monday-Friday, 10-5; Saturday, 10-4.

Hugs, Caroll

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