Wednesday, October 27, 2021


It has taken me all day to do this post.  I made the mistake of putting on Windows 11 and for some reason that changed everything!  Yikes!  I finally got these pictures of my latest quilt resized and edited.  I bought this kit from the Attic Window Quilt Shop with intention of making it for my newest grandchild.  Well, he is now one year old and I've just finished it.

He has the Jungle theme in his room so I thought this fabric appropriate.

I backed it in this flannel.  I can just see him sitting on the couch with his father, snuggled in this quilt to stay warm.  I like using flannel.  It makes the quilt all snuggly and warm.  I may use flannel in the future.

On Another noteCathy M. has a big wooden square that fits over your ironing board for sale. It is perfect for ironing a large quilt.  If you are interested you can contact her at

One More Thing:  Don't forget:  Happy Scrappers meets this coming Saturday, October 30, at the Attic Window Quilt ShopVickie D. will be doing a special demo on binding.  You won't want to miss that!

You can also stop in at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and check out all the new items.  The shop is open Monday-Friday, 10-5; Saturday, 10-4.
Hugs, Caroll

1 comment:

  1. Oh Carroll, what a fun quilt for your most recent Grandson. I love the colors. He’ll love learning the animals and the nursery rhymes. It’s good to know that Windows 11 won’t be very blogger friendly. Ugh!
