Sunday, May 1, 2022


The Happy Scrappers met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this past Saturday.  It was a wonderful day, and I have so much to show you.  These women really get a lot accomplished.  Above, is a quilt top that Janey made. Now she it getting it ready to be quilted  It's quite large and she used great colors.
Janalee shows us this quilt that she made for charity.  It is so cute.
Check out this backing fabric that she used.
This is a close up of that backing.  Adorable.
Janalee also showed us this quilt that she made for charity.  So bright and cheery.
Mary was back today and working with her 30s fabrics!
Above Jill and Janalee enjoy sewing and visiting.
Vickie worked on this beautiful quilt.  I think she started it a while ago and now it is finished and ready to be quilted. 
And I have to show you this.  Chris had a surprise for us today.  She showed us how to make this big block.  I think it is 18 inches square.  What a fun surprise!  I think she's already thinking about what new to show us next month.  

LeeAnne and Adrienne were also there but I guess I was so busy chatting that I forgot to get pictures of what they were working on.   Maybe I can get pictures when we next meet, which reminds me.... 

ANNOUNCEMENT:  It has been suggested that we also hold a Happy Scrappers meeting during the week because sometimes it is difficult to attend on a weekend.  So, we have added a Happy Scrappers meeting to the calendar.   We thought this a good idea because summer is coming as well as the holidays, and we don't want anyone to miss out on the fun.  So the dates for Happy Scrappers are the second Wednesday every month and the last Saturday every monthThese are the dates for May:  Wednesday, May 11, and Saturday, May 28.  Mark your calendar now and join the fun!!

Also, The May calendar should be ready tomorrow.  Be sure and take a look as some new classes have been added, and there is a BIG SALE coming up that you won't want to miss!!

Remember: The Attic Window Quilt Shop is open Monday-Friday, 10-5; Saturday, 10-4.

Hope you have a great week!   Caroll

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