Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Hello quilters!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.  The Happy Scrappers met this past Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above is one of the totes piled high with scraps that are shared by all.
As you can see, Adrienne pulled out a bunch of scraps from that pile sorted them by color, and started making blocks.
These are the blocks she did on Saturday.
This is a close up of one of the blocks. You can see that she has no pattern, but just randomly sews pieces together to make a lovely block.
And this is another close up of one of Adrienne's blocks.  This is my favorite. 
Above, Janalee shows us blocks she has made with scrap strips.
She also uses her scraps to make these blocks.  I'm eager to see how all this goes together.
I have to tell you what Mary told us Saturday.  Though she lives in the city, there is a woods nearby.  She said one morning she looked up and saw a deer right near the house.  She wondered what it was doing so near the house and looked out the window to find the dear had birthed two fawns.  She watched as the deer nudged the little one to  its feet.  She said it was so wabblely but the fawn got up and followed its mother back to the woods.  What an experience!!!!
LeeAnne is working on a jelly roll quilt.  Love these fabrics.

Pat joined us today and she is working on making mats.  Hope she comes back and shows us the finished project.


Janie is making another charity quilt using these long strips of 

Speaking of charity quilts, Janie and Janalee have some to show us.  These first two quilts are from Pieces of the Heart quilting group and go to Kids Without Beds.
If you would like to make a quilt and donate it to Kids Without Beds, they need to be this size: 48-50 Width, and 70-72 in Length.
These are additional charity quilts that have been quilted and now need binding.
Awaiting binding.

And ready to gift to charity.  

What a wonderful job this group is doing.  

I hope you will join Happy Scrappers as we have recently added a weekday meeting because during summer the weekends get very busy.  We meet on the second Wednesday of the month and the last Saturday of the month.  Please feel free to join us.

Hope you have a great week!

Hugs, Caroll

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