Thursday, January 20, 2011


 A group of women met last night at the Attic Window Quilt Shop to learn how to make a Friendship Braid Quilt.  This is a fun quilt to make but can be a little bit tricky in the construction.  Above Chris (storeowner) shows Chris (student) how to use the new tool that makes cutting of these Trapezoids much easier and faster.

After sorting our fabrics into lights and darks, the cutting began.  These women were concentrating on cutting and didn’t realize I was taking pictures.  Cutting is tricky, especially if you are not using the new tool that Chris demonstrated.  You have to place your fabrics just right and remember which way you are to turn your ruler as you move along the strip of fabric.  I remember that I cut several pieces too short or at the wrong angle when I first made this quilt.  I ended up putting those pieces in the scrappy border.
Above, left to right: Emily, Betsy, Maryellen, Chris, Tari, Cathy and Jan. Here you can see the progress we made during the evening. We used the Friendship Braid pattern from the book Jelly Roll Quilts. We needed to get started on two different braids, as each is slightly different and alternates throughout the quilt. As I looked at them, I thought about the title of this quilt: Friendship Braid. What a wonderful way to make friends, getting together to sew and share. The women made great progress last night and I made some new friends.  Aren't quilters the best!


Heart of Winter Tour takes place Saturday, February 12. For more information, call the shop.

The SNOW DAYS OF JANUARY is happening at the Attic Window Quilt Shop all this month. You’ll want to take advantage of the sale and pick up your gift.

Riley Blake Designs has a cute pinwheel pattern for you. 

Stay Positive!


  1. I love the friendship braid!! That ruler is priceless. Makes it so easy. I made so table runners in like minutes with that ruler. Looks like a fun time!! :-)

  2. Very fun. I have always wanted to do one of those quilts. I have that book. I didn't know there was a template you could get to help you with those cuts. I will have to look for that. Another trip to GR, perhaps? :-)

  3. Those look so great! That's a pattern that's always appealed to me, I've never tried it. I really am going to have to move across the state so I can get in on some of this, lol.

  4. Looks like a great tool and so much fun to use.
