Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 I was visiting Mamacjt’s blog the other day and saw a piece similar to the one above.  I love Carol’s blog and wish I had her talent. She is so creative and I hope she will produce patterns for us who are less imaginative. Since I am in the process of upgrading my bathroom, which will be black and white, I thought a piece similar to what Carol did would be a perfect accent. Therefore, I got busy and made my own (picture above). It’s not exactly like Carol’s, but close. My scrappy squares are square and Carol's are rectangle. I still have to practice my French knots and make them in a straight line, and get rid of some of the blue pen marks, and try to figure out why her piece looks so crisp and clean compared to mine.

This is a close up of my project.  You will notice one thing missing. On Carol’s piece, she accented it with little black squares. As you can see, I have not added them yet. I want to, but Carol said she did them with Micron pen and I’m just too afraid to attempt that until I practice on some scrap pieces. I know I have a long way to go before I can produce anything nearly as perfect as what Carol does, but it was fun trying. Be sure and check out Mamacjt’s blog frequently. The link is on my sidebar. You will love what she does.

Heart of Winter Tour
takes place Saturday, February 12. For more information, call the shop.

The SNOW DAYS OF JANUARY are happening at the Attic Window Quilt Shop all this month. You’ll want to take advantage of the sale and pick up your gift.

Piece N Quilt has a tutorial for a Hugs Placemat.

Stay Positive!


  1. Looks really close to me! Love it. Maybe too pretty for the bathroom? Very creative!

  2. Oh Caroll it is absolutely gorgeous!!! I don't see a thing wrong with it, it's spectacular. I LOVE the french knots around it! And I like it just as it is, without the little nine-patch blocks...I'd leave it. But if you insist on them, do them in the blue washout pen first....easier to wash out if you make a mistake. Truly lovely!!!

  3. Caroll, I'm with Allie. (1) I think it's just gorgeous, and (2) I like it without the nine-patches. I really like the clean lines of yours. It will be fabulous in a black and white bathroom.

    I checked out the blog you listed. It is lots of fun. Thanks for sharing. I think your version of this quilt is just awesome! You should be really proud of yourself! Way to go!

  4. Hi Caroll,
    Your wall hanging is very whimsical. The only difference (aside from those mentioned by you) is that the original quilt had the French knots run down a quilting line, which made them appear straighter. And maybe your French knots are a tiny bit bigger.
    But don't obsess...yours looks great! I may "borrow" your idea at some point.
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  5. That is amazing! You should definitely be proud of your accomplishment...especially since you did it just by looking at another project. Your work is gorgeous.

  6. This is so cute! You did a great job with your improv blocks - I love the colors!! Thanks for linking up - whoop whoop!!

  7. Wow, I love this. You are such a talented lady and I really enjoy reading your blog. I also love the Attic Window Quilt Shop! They have such a great selection of wool, repo prints, and lots of other fun stuff there. Happy Monday!!
