Monday, June 27, 2011


I made this mug rug for a friend who is retiring.  I thought the bright colors would make his day brighter as I think a life-changing event such as this can be a little daunting.  I was at his office recently and noticed labels on everything: in box, out box, phone list, applications, etc.  “That’s part of our new Lean Program,” he said.  “They tell people where things should go.”

So I got out my label maker and made some labels to make him feel more comfortable.  I gave him a To-Do List to think about during his morning coffee!  Hope he gets a kick out of it!

What I really wanted to tell you about is the give-away that Mary Lou Weidman is having.  Recently Mary Lou was locked out of her blog and even Google couldn’t help her, so she had to start a new blog.  If you were a follower, you may have wondered why you haven’t seen any posts lately.  Please go to her new blog (link on my sidebar) and become a follower on her new blog.  Or if you were not a follower but would like to become one, click here.  Either way, take a look at Mary Lou’s new blog and the darling give-away that she is having.  You could be the winner!

Michele at With Heart and Hands has a great tutorial for liberated flying geese!

Stay Positive!


  1. Caroll that is brilliant - I love it! The labels are the perfect touch. Are you joining in the fish swap with Mary Lou? I would love to but I don't think I'll have any time!

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog problem,,,,and my prizes. I think you are wonderful and did even before you tried to help are an angel (you probably already knew that)

  3. Wow! Your mug rug is a gorgeous (and unusual!) design! Your friend will be thrilled!

  4. Really nice mug rug and so thoughtful as well. Great idea for this life changing event. Thank you for the tip on the giveaway. Love Mary Lou's whimsical designs.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  5. I love that little mug rug! How clever and thoughtful of you!!!
