Thursday, June 30, 2011


The Knotty Girls Stitching Bee met last night at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Maggie was working on this wonderful block.  It is from the book Country Inn by Barb Adams and Alma Allen of Blackbird Designs.  Isn't it beautiful!  I love this block and like the size too.  This block is for the Country Rose pattern and finishes at 24 inches.  You have to check out this book.  Not only does it have wonderful patterns but it has great recipes too!  Well worth the price!

Unfortunately no one else had anything for show and tell as their (our) minds were centered on food.  We had a pitch-in and, oh, my, can those gals cook.  They meet again in two weeks and have promised to bring recipes for me to share with you. 

Have I told you about With Needle and Thead?  It has a cute BOM and all the past months are available too.

Saw this on Stephanie’s blog, Peas In A Pod.  Go there and click on the link which will take you to a tutorial for a perpetual magnetic calendar.  Check it out!

Be sure and check back as I have a new tutorial for you!

Stay Positive!


  1. I love the block that Maggie was working on. Thanks for the info on the BOM Hugs

  2. I see the beautiful block and yummy yummies and think, "I would have loved to be there with Caroll and friends." And of course we love Stephanie!!!

  3. Gorgeous block!! I have long admired that quilt!! Food looks so yummy! :-)

  4. That is a lovely block - but all that food is making me hungry!!!
