Saturday, July 2, 2011


The First Saturday Bee met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop today and had a number of items for show-N-tell.  Above, Virginia shows us her darling owl quilt.  She said she made it from a kit for her great grandson.  Well done Virginia!!
Let’s give Mary a Whoop! Whoop! for this sweet wallhanging. Just the perfect thing to look at today.  I think the humidity is 99% and it is hot here in Michigan.  These cute little snowmen make me think "cool."
Mary also made this whimsical quilt.  This one is from a kit and is soon on its way to a new baby in Australia.  
This mom and daughter duo, Jeanne and Jenny, show us their completed tops from last year’s sampler series. You can click on the picture to get a closer view.  As you can see, they are huge (looks like bigger than King size to me). Jeanne said she had lots of fabric left over so she made bags for her and Jenny.
Jenny said a friend had asked if she ever saw a certain fabric.  When Jenny happened to see it, she made this quilt for her friend.  (Wonder if she would like another friend?)
Yvonne made this adorable bag.  Check out those flip-flops!

There is more but I don’t want to overload you with pictures, so check back tomorrow to see what else these gals have been up to.   I’ll tell you about Jeanne’s wonderful new project that we have coerced her into teaching in the fall.  You won’t want to miss it.  Also, there are some upcoming events at the shop that you need to mark on your calendar.

 I previously told you about the fantastic Brownies that Phyllis brought to the Knotty Girls meeting.  She kindly sent me this message: 

“Some of you expressed an interest in my brownie recipe from last night.  So....if you go to She Cooks and then to the Recipe Index (at the top) and under Cookies and Bars you will find Crunchy Peanut Butter Cup Brownies.
 Enjoy and have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend,
 Phyllis DeWys”

Thank you Phyllis.  (Be sure and follow her directions to find this wonderful recipe.) 

Stay Positive!


  1. Cute owls!!! The girls sure have been busy - I imagine that a snowman would melt in about 2 seconds today, much better to have them on a quilt! Stay cool today, Caroll!

  2. This is my favorite kind of quilt show...real people with real 'from the heart' quilts. Great fun. I'll be back for more of those photos, too ;)

  3. Like Allie, I love those owls, too. I know what you mean about the humidity! I had to turn the air on. Couldn't take it. Looks like you are having fun, Caroll. Miss you! Hope all is well!

  4. Love the owl quilt!!!
