Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Some of you may have read that I’m trying to improve my piecing skills.  The book 130 Mini Quilt Blocks is by Susan Briscoe, seemed like just the thing to help me do that.  This book includes blocks from traditional as well as new designs.  One of the sections included the Thrifty Thirties.  I have lots of thirties fabrics in my stash so decided to give these blocks a try.  This is the first block I made.
My printer was out of ink so I couldn’t copy the templates from the book.  Undaunted, I hand-copied them onto freezer paper, drawing on the inside (dotted) lines.  Then I ironed the templates to the wrong side of the fabric.  
I then drew the stitching line onto the fabric and cut out the design one-fourth inch away from the paper template. The drawing line helps me to know that my pieces match and that I'm stitching a straight line.
How do I sew this?  I didn’t want to sew it on the machine, as I wanted something to do when I sat with Mother.  I decided to hand stitch the entire block of this Sunburst pattern.  Years ago, I took a class from Maria Jaffas at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Maria showed us how to make a complete table topper by hand.  To this day, it is my favorite table topper.  As I look at the block I made yesterday, I think I got more precise piecing by using this meth.  The book cautions you not to stretch the bias edges.  I think that stitching by hand kept me from pulling and stretching the fabrics.  
The book has several other blocks in the Thrifty Thirties section that I want to try.  It shows you how to make a darling table topper or wall hanging using all the blocks.  I hope to get another one done today.  

Rosie, I hope you are reading this and can give me an “atta girl” for my piecing.

Don’t forget, the Attic Window Quilt Shop will be a vendor at the Grand Haven Quilt Shop this Friday and Saturday, July 29 and 30, from 10 – 5 at St. Patrick’s Center.  More than 150 quilts will be displayed.  Admission is $5.

Mark your calendar now for the Fall Shop Hop in Sept. 22-24 and Oct. 1.  Call the shop for further details.

Check out Alamosa Quilter for a great tutorial.  After trying the disappearing nine patch, I have to try this disappearing four patch. 

Stay Positive!



  1. I love hand-stitching, and you're right, you are able to be more precise. Your block is really darling - love those 30's!

  2. I can't believe you hand stitched that!! The block looks perfect!!! Bravo! :-)

  3. How is your mom? This looks like the perfect project to do while sitting with your mother.

  4. Wow, good hand piecing! I have always wanted to improve my hand piecing. I really have a hard time with it. Jinny Beyer has a really good book on it, if you are interested. I have it if you want to see it. I love sewing on a drawn line, even on my computer. It really helps. For some reason, I really have a hard time with hand piecing and am not accurate with it at all. I don't know why I struggle with it so much.

  5. I love hand stitching too. Especially love English paper piecing. See my Kaleidoscope Table Runner . It's all hand stitched except for the quilting.

  6. Great block! I keep forgetting about the freezer paper technique. Brilliant!

  7. I may be trying some hand piecing while my machine is out of commission. I did some years ago when I first learned to quilt, but haven't tried it recently. My hand stitching has improved over the years so I may enjoy this more now.

    Your blocks looks great! And I love the quilted background you use in your photos.

  8. I love the block and the 30's fabrics. I've been trying to get my daughter to use my sewing machine, but she insist's on using hand sewing. I love my sewing machine, but I tried to meet her 1/2 way by sewing by hand. It is relaxing and you have better control. So, I picked up some enlist piecing packets and carry them with me to work on while waiting for the doctor or sitting wih my husband while he watches TV.

  9. Lovely fabric choice for your block too. I am looking forward to returning to these blocks from the book and making some cute 30s style projects with them - I've always had a weakness for 30s fabrics too, both original feedsack and repros!
