Thursday, July 28, 2011


 Well my second day of piecing didn’t go as well. I think I felt a little like Karen did on Ramblings of a Novice Quilter. I swear I followed the directions precisely.  I measured and re-measured before I cut.  I accurately drew my sewing lines.  And I still came out with this (above).  The two blocks above yesterday’s block are supposed to accurately fit the Sunburst block.  These two blocks together look way too big to me.
I took the two blocks apart and measured each one.  Each block was supposed to measure 5 inches.  That’s what the book said!  When I re-read the directions, I couldn’t see how that would happen since each blade was supposed to be cut 1 ¼ inches or 1 ½ inches. (there are 7 blades)
I thought there must have been a typo (it happens), so I took the block apart and made sure each blade was cut to 1 ¼ inches. (Yes, I have a little problem with math!)  I put the pieces back together and the block is still too large. (Sorry about the smudge on these last two photos.  I was trying to get the glare out.  I have Photoshop Elements 6 and if anyone could tell me how to do this I’d appreciate it.) 
I put my flawed blocks into the UFO pile and went back to my applique.  The reason I started this little piecing venture it the first place was because I was bored with sewing circles on my Whimsical Quilt Garden.  Sewing circles may be boring but at least it’s not as frustrating as my little piecing venture.

However, I did see a Summer Sampler Series on Freshly Pieced that I would like to try.  Check it out.  
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I love your Sunburst block. So sorry that the second piece did not come out as it should. Very frustrating to me when that happens. Hope you will be able to get the problem resolved. Nola

  2. So sorry you're having such frustrations. Have you checked errata? I know there's a website for knitters where they publish errata. I wonder if the book author or publisher has an errata list. Maybe there IS a problem in the pattern. Your circles are just adorable on the applique quilt. I love how that's turning out! There's nothing like a little frustration to make a project you're bored with look good. Haha!

  3. It's got to be the pattern. Did you hear anything yet? I love your circles but it would drive me to distraction to stitch them on, I can see why you needed a break, lol!

  4. Oh yes, I know that frustration, I'm hopeless at maths and sometimes I just can't work out where I go wrong! I hope you can work it out, love that other block too and your applique is beautiful Caroll xo

  5. I'll check the info on this one and post you the original text and diagram to your e mail address. All the blocks in the book were made from the instructions that were submitted to the publishers and, like all my books, it was proof read and checked extensively, so I'm wondering what has gone wrong!


    Checked and problem identified. Thanks for flagging it up!

  7. Sorry about your block, I do love the quilt you are working on.

  8. Way to go!! A lot of people are thanking you right now for finding that error!

  9. Sorry it didn't work out - glad you posted it, though. Sometimes it's great to hear that "it's not just me" :)

  10. Always a good idea to let the author know if you spot an error - then the publishers can do something about it! :-)

  11. love the advice....stay calm, stay kind, stay positive. Stick to that and you will be fine!!

  12. Yes, Susan, I'm so glad I contacted you and that you made things clear for me. I'm finishing it up this weekend and hope to post next week about it and how you helped me out. Thank you so much!!

  13. So glad you stopped by my blog today! I was at your shop on Friday. I bought the Kitty fabric from you. Love it and love your shop! I've been having issues with block sizes on my Summer Sampler Series quilt along that I'm doing but it must be my cutting because I can't figure out what's happening. It's frustrating isn't it? Have a great day!
