Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Carolyn E. made these unique pillows for her class No Ordinary Pillowcase.  Don’t you just love them?  You choose between a standard or a sleeve to cover a 16” pillow form.  The sleeve to both can be changed with the seasons.  These pillows make great gifts for the dorm room, bedroom, or family room.  Get an early start on your Christmas Gift making.  Additional classes for No Ordinary Pillowcase will be held in November at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  

How are you surviving in this heat?  I don’t know about the rest of the world but here in the Midwest of the United States we are having a heat wave!  Maybe it's my age, but I really don't remember it ever being this bad.  I hate not seeing the sunlight, but I have decided it is time to go down to my sewing room in the basement where I can stay cool and sew.  

I might try some experimenting, like this slice and dice tutorial from Patchwork of Mini Grey.  Check it out.
Stay Positive!


  1. Those pillows look awesome and would be fun to work up as you said in different seasons.

  2. Great pillows! By all means stay in the basement, tomorrow will be the worst....I had to have mum spend the night, took her home and she had no power last night. It was horrid in her house.

  3. Those are really cute! I particularly like the small one. I'll look at the date of the class. :-) This heat is killing me. It's awful. I don't think our air conditioning has shut off all day!

  4. What beautiful pillowcases!! Not sure why I always have slept on a white one. I need more color in my sleep. I must make one for myself!!
