Thursday, July 21, 2011


I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our family.  When our other cat died I didn’t think I could ever get another one.  It just hurt too much to let her go.  However, Mother kept saying how much she missed her pet and wanted another one, so I brought home Socks.  
She wormed her way into our hearts in no time.  She’s not afraid of company like our other cat was.  She wants to be where all the action is.

However, when a two year old comes to visit, she begins to think a little differently.  However, no matter how hard she tries, she can’t get away from his loving touch.

Having the little one for a visit made me think of this tutorial and how it would make such a nice gift.  Check out The House of Wilson for a great idea. 
Stay Positive!


  1. Welcome home Socks!!! Oh Caroll she's too adorable - what a blessing!

  2. Awwww! Socks is so cute! We are taking our kittens to Farmer's Market on Sat to see if we can say bye-bye to 4 of them. E is brokenhearted, of course. Socks looks like a great cat. That's a cute tutorial, too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That last picture was adorable.....glad you enjoy your new cat.

  4. Congratulations on your new addition! She's so pretty! :0)

  5. What a lovely new member of the family! Socks is cute name too. There is a black cat in my area which has purs white feet and my daughter has named them socks too.

  6. What a sweet kitty! Our little furry friends enrich our lives in so many intangible ways.

  7. And just how are you going to get socks to stand on a piece of paper so you can trace his paw?????????????
    Congratulations on the new additions. Selina

  8. Hi Caroll,
    What a cute kitty you have! How old is this kitty? Is she a rescue? (Sorry, not trying to be nosy, just wondered).
    So, are you keeping cool in this crazy hot weather?
    Vicky F

  9. Caroll, I am so happy for you and your new kitty, what a sweetie in the pics! I will never forget reading of your loss and the sadness I felt for you. Love to you and what a lucky kitty to have you for a mom! Love, Em

  10. How sweet!!! That last pic just melted my heart!!! Congratulations on your new kitty!!! So cute! I'm so happy you girls got a new kitty. Pets are the best therapy!

  11. Welcome, Socks! I'm happy that again, you have a kitty to love. She's very pretty, too.
