Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I love this block and could hardly wait to show it to you.  While blog hopping the other day I saw this block…I think it might have been on Pinterest or something like that when I did a search for a log cabin paper pieced pattern.  I was looking for the exact size log cabin paper pieced block so I wouldn’t have to figure things out for myself.  After I found the above Scrap Attack Block, I completely forgot about the log cabin and started making this one.  I love the bright colors and the unique design.  I’ll bring it to the Happy Scrappers Quilting Bee at the Attic Window Quilt Shop on the second Saturday of the month for Show-N-Tell.  Hopefully, I’ll have another block done by then.
Then again, maybe I won’t make another one.  I got to thinking that I could put this block with this other block that I blogged about here.  I love making new blocks and stretching my capabilities.  I thought, maybe each time I find a new block I can add it to the others and after a while I’ll have a whole new quilt.  What do you think…will these two blocks go in the same quilt?

Anyway, I got this Scrap Attach Block at From Blank Pages.  In that post there is a link to her Craftsy site where you can get the pattern for free.  Prior to Buffie making a paper piecing addict of me, I didn't paper piece because I didn't like tearing the paper away from the finished block.  Buffie showed me how easy it really is.  I would just caution you to think about the kind of paper you use before you start printing.  I have a whole box full of letterhead from work that they were going to toss because of a printing error.  I brought it home and use the backs for printing or drawing.  Anyway, the first time I printed the pattern onto that bond paper.  Big mistake.   It is too difficult to tear off the pieces of paper.  After that I use copy paper, which tears away easily.  Enjoy!

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. What a fantastic block, Caroll! Wow! I love it! You do such a great job of picking colors and fabrics! I think a quilt of these would be really cool. I would love to see the secondary design emerge.

    Use the lightest weight paper you can. There are some papers you can run through your printer and that you don't have to tear out. They dissolve in the wash. I am trying to experiment with those with Buffie's block.

  2. For someone who doesn't like to piece, this sure is a lot of piecing! It's fabulous Caroll! Yes, I think those two blocks go together.

    I recently purchased some Carol Doak paper for a non-paper piecing project. I've also used it for paper piecing and it is fabulous for that too. My printer likes it. The ink doesn't smear. It is easy to see through without being flimsy. AND it tears off easily.

  3. Caroll, I love your newest block! It's wildly fun! I think your two blocks would work well together, but I think the block on the right maybe could use a border of white to tie the two together better. Hard to say though, just looking at photos. In any case, that would be a fun quilt!

  4. Holy Moly!! What a block, it's epic {that's what my kids said when they saw it}!
    Thank you for the link for this pattern, I'm wanting to expand my
    potential and this block will help me do that! =)

  5. That block is amazing....Friday is our last time....???

  6. Did you know that there's a way to do paper piecing where you don't have to tear out the paper? I've heard it called "paperless paper piecing". The papers are folded on the lines & you stitch next to the line instead of on the lines.
