Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The Knotty Girls Stitching Bee met last week at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above is a wool house that Judi made.  She said that the pattern was for a pincushion, but she decided she wanted a bag instead.  So she cut a hole in the top (under the green flap on the roof) and put this cute little spool handle on it and made it into a bag.  It is darling.
Fran made this beautiful needle case.  I adore all the decorative stitching that these women do!  Isn’t this stunning!

Judi also made this Quiltsmart Midi bag (or it may be the Mondo bag I’m not sure).  I love the colors she has used.  It’s a great size too.

On another note: I think this would be a great way to use up your scraps.  Check out U Create for the tutorial.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Gorgeous projects! I love the spool on the handle of the house bag. I may need to make myself a needle book like that one - LOVE!

  2. Hello from South Dakota,
    WOW how I love Judi wee wool bag. Fantastic and her color bag is great too. Miss all the Knotty Girls and I will look forward to seeing you all soon. Hugs Judy

  3. So cute! Love the little house. I signed up for Sue Spargo's new quilt along. It's expensive, but I kick myself every year for not doing it. This year, I'm doing it!
