Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today I have a couple of things I want to show you.  The above pillow is from Applique With Attitude by Piece O’ Cake Designs.  I love this book and want to make all the designs in it.  The designs are just the right size for my taste (big but not too big).
This is another picture of the pillow in a different chair.  This pillow is 14" square.
And I wanted to show you this little mug rug.  I recently sent it to Lynn of Alamosa Quilter.

I wanted to send her a thank you note for all the wonderful things she mailed to me.  I blogged about that here.  My intention was to make a post card like Annie of Freeze Frame does.  I love Annie’s work and blogged here  about a post card that she sent me.  Well, about five minutes into my project, I realized I lacked in the skills necessary to make a cute little card like Annie does, so I turned it into a mug rug.  I think I need more practice on working with the small stuff.

On another note:  Six White Horses has a diamond stack block tutorial.  Check it out.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. You know I just love both of these little projects. Glad I bought the book. Hope I can find time to make something from it one day! I love how you make little projects out of these things. I should try a mug rug one of these days. Less commitment than a full on quilt!

  2. Caroll, your pillow is modern wonderful! And your Thank You mug rug is so sweet! I know your struggle with small postcard size work...I struggle with the size sometimes myself. Too many times what I want to do just won't look right too small. So, thank goodness for mug rugs, eh!
